Security Professional Saves Man From Drowning in Frigid Waters

July 20, 2023

While on patrol at a ferry terminal in November 2022, Security Professional Jessica heard loud cries coming from the water near the dock. She immediately responded and found a man screaming for help and shouting that he was drowning and could not feel his legs due to the cold water, which was around 42 degrees. Jessica immediately called 911 and helped keep his head above water until assistance arrived to pull the man to safety.

Allied Universal Executive Protection Program Accredited by ASIS as a Preferred CPE Training Course

Submitted by Allied Universal on

Allied Universal®, the leading security and facility services provider, today announced that its Executive Protection Academy (EP-301) training program has been accredited by ASIS International as a Preferred CPE course for recertification and continuing professional education (CPE) requirements for security professionals