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As organizations develop protective security policies and procedures to support individuals and groups in need, they must consider the ever-present factor of risk.

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To excel in executive protection, it's important to hire based on character and training aptitude, as outlined in the book The Talent War.

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In today’s world, the nature of employment is constantly evolving, and the skill sets required to succeed in executive protection and intelligence services are becoming increasingly intermingled.

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Determining your capabilities needed to build an Executive Protection training strategy can be challenging.

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What happens when teams are forced to collaborate and innovate off-line?

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The executive protection industry is growing, and so is the number of new executive protection manager positions. This is great for our industry and for all the people who take this important move up the career ladder. But it also ushers in a range of predictable problems for many of the new managers and the programs and people they lead.

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Corporate use of Critical Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) is increasing. In this blog, we try to understand what is driving this growth trend and answer the questions and issues that often come up with new and potential clients for CIRT services.

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In this blog, we take a closer look at three of the most frequently mentioned hesitations that make new corporate clients express – and the myths about executive protection that underlie them.

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The lack of shared standards makes it difficult for clients to distinguish good from bad executive protection programs.

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If protective intelligence is the bridge that connects intel and EP, micro intelligence is what holds that bridge together.

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